Friday 12 October 2012

Writing Assessment - An Object of Significance

Today we planned your written assessment: to inform and describe an object that has significance for you.

Task: Write about a special item of significance in your life – something that you love (320-400 words).   Write on A4 lined paper or on a computer.  Do not write this task in your blue books OR in your Wonderbooks! 
Due Date: Tues 16th October.

Remember to:
       Explain why it is so precious to you
       Give a detailed description
       Use paragraphs to organise your ideas
       Use a wide range of punctuation and sentence types
       Use literary techniques such as simile and alliteration to make your descriptions vivid
    Write at least three well-developed paragraphs (target 320-400 words)

You will be assessed on:  (Writing – the Green Grid)
AF2 – Understanding purpose, task and audience
AF3 – Structure and sequencing
Af6 – Sentence structure and punctuation
AF8 – Spelling

You had such an interesting range of objects - I look forward to reading your descriptions!

Monday 8 October 2012

Reading for clues...

Over the last two weeks we have been working hard to find evidence from different texts that explain how a character feels.  Finding evidence (quotations) is key to understanding how you can read and understand texts.

We practised writing PEE paragraphs (POINT, EVIDENCE, EXPLANATION) and completed your first formal assessment that got you to use the skills we have been practising.

We are moving onto working on WRITING skills, so your HW is:

In your WONDERBOOK, write two paragraphs that describe the beginning of a JOURNEY.  This could be a journey to anywhere! 
Remember to:
  • Use imaginative vocab
  • Use imagery (similes/metaphors)
  • Appeal to a range of senses
Due in: Wed 10th October.